Step 1 of 3 0% You are not currently logged in. Please login at the top right of this screen if you are a registered user/member of our website. You will not have access to any member discounts if you are not logged in and your membership is not current.This page is for registration only. For event details please click hereContact DetailsName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Phone(Required)Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Please help us plan the event better by answering the following questionsHow did you hear about this event?(Required)Select OneSocial Media (Facebook)GoogleWord of MouthRefer a FriendPast ParticipantLocal ClubOtherHow long have you been keeping bees?(Required)Select a number0 (Learning/Just Starting)1-45-910-1920+Average number of hives you manage?(Required)Select a numberNo bees yet (just beginning)1-45-2424-99100-499500+I consent to be contacted by email and/or text regarding this event and future MSBA events(Required) Yes Ticket OptionsIt looks like your membership is expired. Please renew your membership with MSBA now for $15 to save an instant $10 off your registration today by clicking hereAdult Non-Member Registration Quantity(Required) Consider joining MSBA now for $15 to save an instant $10 off your registration today by clicking here Price: $75.00 Quantity Adult Member Registrations Quantity(Required) Price: $65.00 Quantity Youth Registrations (Under 18) – Covers Lunch Quantity Price: $15.00 Quantity Total Registration Fees ( Registrations) This field is hidden when viewing the formTotal RegistrationsYou have picked more than four registrations which is not currently supported by our registration form. Please complete an additional registration form for any registrations needed more than your first four. Please contact us with any questions or concerns using our contact form in the menus above Lunch Options and Additional Registration NamesYou have selected tickets. If that is not correct please adjust your totals above. Please provide your lunch choices and names of guests below.Unfortunately we are no long able to accept any new lunch orders as the deadline for submitting those has passed. Any registrations after this deadline will need to provide their own lunch. There will not be any adjustment to the conference pricing.Lunch Option for (Required)Please ChooseTurkey and CheddarHam and SwissRoast Beef and Pepper JackHummus Feta Veggie WrapBring Your Own (no price change)Second Registration Name(Required) First Last Second Registration Lunch Choice(Required)Please ChooseTurkey and CheddarHam and SwissRoast Beef and Pepper JackHummus Feta Veggie WrapBring Your Own (no price change)Third Registration Name(Required) First Last Third Lunch Choice(Required)Please ChooseTurkey and CheddarHam and SwissRoast Beef and Pepper JackHummus Feta Veggie WrapBring Your Own (no price change)Fourth Registration Name(Required) First Last Fourth Registration Lunch Choice(Required)Please ChooseTurkey and CheddarHam and SwissRoast Beef and Pepper JackHummus Feta Veggie WrapBring Your Own (no price change) ConsentWe are buzzing with excitement for the upcoming Missouri State Beekeepers Association event and are thrilled to have you join us for this remarkable event dedicated to celebrating and learning about bees. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone, we kindly ask you to read and acknowledge the following important information: Live Bees Presence: Please be aware that live bees may be present during the event as part of our educational demonstrations and interactive sessions. We advise participants with allergies or sensitivities to bees to take appropriate precautions and consider the presence of bees when deciding to attend. If you decide to participate in live bee events it is strongly recommended that you bring your own protection equipment. Unless otherwise stated live bees are not typically used in fall events No Refunds Policy: We want to inform all attendees that due to the upfront costs associated with organizing Missouri State Beekeepers Events, including securing venues, speakers, and activities, we are unable to offer refunds for registrations purchased. Your support and understanding help us cover these costs and make this event possible. Non-Transferable Registrations: Registrations for Missouri Bee Day are non-transferable. This policy is in place to manage attendance and ensure a safe and organized event for everyone involved. Please ensure that you are able to attend the event before purchasing your registrations. By attending a Missouri State Beekeepers Associations event you acknowledge and consent to the presence of live bees (when applicable) and agree to the no refunds and non-transferable ticket policies. We are committed to creating an informative, enjoyable, and safe environment for all participants and appreciate your cooperation and understanding.I agree to the above terms and conditions required to participate in this MSBA Event and understand my registration fees are nonrefundable(Required) Yes MSBA Donation (Not Required)Your donation will help with the costs associated with MSBA educating local beekeepers and the general public about honeybees, beekeeping, and the importance of pollinators throughout the state of Missouri. MSBA Donation Amount Total and CheckoutCoupon Code Total Registrations ( Registrations) Payment MethodPayPal Checkout MasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa Card Number Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name I would prefer to pay for my conference registration by check Yes Paying by check places considerable burden on our all volunteer staff. We ask that you please consider paying by paypal by unchecking the above box. You are able to use a credit card by doing so and NOT required to use their internal funding sources (like a bank account). It is much safer and more secure than sending a check by mail. It also immediately ensures you have a registration spot with our MSBA event. By choosing to proceed with paying by check you agree that MSBA will NOT hold your registration spot and that it is not confirmed until we have received your payment (we reserve the right to refuse all late checks). All checks must be RECEIVED (not postmarked) within 10 days or your registration information will be canceled and you will have to repeat the registration process again IF there is still availability for the conference. MSBA is not responsible for registrations that were not completed because of failure of the check to arrive in 10 days and will not hold open registration seats. MSBA events do sell out and we encourage you to guarantee your registration seat by using PayPal above. A check for must be mailed to: Missouri State Beekeepers Association 7130 NW State Rte 92 Smithville, MO 64089I have read and agree to all of the terms above regarding payment by check and understand my registration will be completely voided if the check is not received in 10 days by MSBA regardless of the cause(Required) Yes CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ